Classroom is located in Minami-ku, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture (nearest station JR Minami Urawa), and is a koto and shamisen class of the Ikuta-style.Conveniently accessible from Tokyo.In addition to the Minami-Urawa branch, we have opened branches in Urawa, Mitaka, and Kazo. Please refer to the map here for details or contact us.
Beginners as well as advanced and certified individuals are all welcome. We offer instruction in classical, "Jiuta", and modern music. We also provide guidance for those preparing for the Associate Master and Master examinations. Instruction for the traditional music ensemble "Rein-kai" is also available, and we are currently recruiting members.
Please contact us at or 048-839-6654.
Kids(Under 12 years old) | 2,500 yen/40min |
Beginners | 3,500 yen/1hour |
Intermediates | 4,000 yen/1hour |
Licensed players | 4,500 yen/1hour |
1 time lesson/month | 5,000 yen/1hour |
Maintenance fee (Class instrument) | 1,000 yen/month |
Entry fee | 5,000 yen |
Trial lesson | 1,000 yen |